Sunday, February 8, 2009

New pictures

Here are some new pics of my baby boy, of my bowlegged baby boy as I affectionately call him now (though you can't see that in these pics.) Actually it's really funny how he will sit and just looks bow legged.

I love this pic as this is how my sweet boy will look at me (and yes he melts my heart - Look at those eyes!). He is just a lover - I woke up in the middle of the night today (ok well he woke me up) and he cuddled with me and wanted to be talked to. So sweet.

Toys - Boy does he love them. As mentioned, he has a ton of them yeah he is spoiled) and he plays with just about all of them. This is a new toy I gave him (to keep him occupied while I worked on the computer). He loves it! He especially loves it when they squeak and he knows how to make every one of them squeak, over and over and over. And he loves to play fetch. He will bring it back to me over and over and over again. I bet I have sat and thrown his toy 30 times in a row and he still wants more. I tire out long before he does! Love it!

Oh - he is teething and I find little teeth everywhere - it's hilarious! (Yeah, I was actually going to take a pic of one and post it but I thought I would spare you.)

Lessons from Rudy: Was thinking as I was cuddling with Rudy in the middle of the night, "Boy I love this dog. Guess this is how a mom loves her child - with such a deep love." (Though I am guessing its a little deeper and stronger.) Even though he frustrates me to death sometimes, I sure love him. Then I began thinking - this must be how God loves me (and so much more) - deeply, tenderly, unconditionally,with great strength. Even though I probably frustrate Him ever so much at times, He still just loves me and probably has soooo much more patience with me than I do with Rudy. Thank you, God.