Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm thankful..

So today is Thanksgiving and I am pondering the many blessings in my life, and praise God I have many. I heard a great saying at church on Sunday: "Stop determining your blessings by your circumstances. Consider the blessing that I have God no matter what." Isn't that great! Helps me totally refocus back to the One who is the giver of blessings and off my life.
Well I thought I would list a few of my blessings:

1. God. Don't even know what to add to that - that thought/blessing is so encompassing and yet complete. It amazes me daily that He loves me soooo much period. I don't have to do anything to make Him love me more or even less. He's just there - looking out for me - loving me.

2. Family - I don't see them much or have a huge family but boy do I love them all. I won't see them today, but I am thinking about them all, with tears in my eyes. I am thankful I have a great family, that though we aren't real close, they are always there for me.

3. Friends - God has blessed me with such amazing friends: some near and some far, some new and some tried and true - but all a blessing. So many invited me to dinner today and that was awesome. Beth even threatened to drive all the way down here from St. Pete and take me up there if I didn't have anywhere to go (Though, Beth, I don't know if you would really do it - as you had to bake like a billion loaves of bread and pounds and pounds of potato casserole, but the sentiment was there and meant a lot).

4. Rudy - Gosh he drives me crazy sometimes with his HUGE puppy energy and never ending biting but he has been a joy. He is curled up in my lap right now and is a great companion. I am sure one day he will sit still enough long enough to cry with me and let me tell my silly stories to him. I still miss Remi terribly but God sure blessed me with Rudy.

5. My job and the stable income it provides - I am loving going to work, teaching kids. I am also thankful that in the times we are in that I have a stable income which allows me to pay my bills and not have to worry like some are having to worry. My new mantra lately has been - I didn't have it good when it was good, but I am not having it bad when it is bad. Thank you God for a good job with a stable income.

Well I am sure I could write for a while about the blessings God has given me, but I need to go make the rolls to take to Tracey's where I am having Thanksgiving dinner. I am not sure how good they will be, or even if they are rising like they should but I am working on it. They just may not be a blessing today! ha!
Happy Thanksgiving all!

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